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Greta Gugino

Explore all the meal plans and trainings and achieve your goals fast and secure!

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any strong restrictions

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What our customers say

Caring for our customers and helping them is an important aspect in BalancedBody’s Team.

Ana Gencheva

I recommend Greta with all my heart!

Thanks to a recommendation from a friend, I decided to try Greta’s meal plan and the results didn’t take long. Without stress and hunger, along with the help of Greta and good organization, following a meal plan has been much easier than the mindless eating.

Thanks to delicious and balanced recipes, my attitude toward food has changed, my attitude toward myself and the sense of constant anxiety and cravings for sweets disappeared, and for the first time in many years, I feel good in my skin.

Stefanka Mitreva

I wholeheartedly recommend Greta’s meal plan!

I didn’t believe that one could lose weight, not starve and eat delicious food at the same time!

At first I wasn’t sure if it would work, but now I am very pleased with the result:

– down 15.5lbs,
-3.1in off my waist
-4.7in off of my hips!

And in just two months!

Don’t hesitate! Give it a try!

Veronika Madjarska

After giving birth, I struggled for about a year counting calories and thinking of what to eat. At one point, I started to lose hope and began to return to my old lifestyle. I gained weight and lost all motivation.

One day I read a story from one of Greta’s clients. I was inspired and decided to order a meal plan regardless of what the outcome would be.

I am infinitely grateful and happy that I decided to take this step. Greta is a wonderful woman, teacher, motivator….. Greta is EVERYTHING!
I highly recommend her to anyone!! 
