Meet Greta

Hello! My name is Greta Gugino and I am a certified specialist in Fitness Nutrition by ISSA, USA.

The idea behind this website and the content I share on social media is to help more people realise how important nutrition is to our health.

Did you know that having a headache is one of the first symptoms of dehydration? We usually take a painkiller without thinking twice and go about our day. I myself was sick very often. I had to take antibiotics every 2 months due to infections, and now as a result, I am allergic to most of them.

I ‘treated’ the symptoms without thinking about the cause

Body revival

I was diagnosed with IBS – irritable bowel syndrome. My immune system collapsed (since over 70% of our immune system is located in our gut) and I was in a vicious cycle of bloating, abdominal pain, chronic fatigue, terrible moods and headaches.

I didn’t realize that these were actually signs my body was giving me and I needed a drastic change.

My goal was to improve my overall health and become more fit.

I started reading a lot about the power of food and I decided to invest in my education on the subject. I changed my eating habits little by little. I also started exercising regularly and became conscious about what I put on my plate – my body changed drastically inside and out.

Sharing knowledge

I started sharing my knowledge through this site and my Facebook page and have been dedicated to helping people get fit by eating healthier for 5 years now!

Today I am also a mother. My goal remains the same – to be a good example for my daughter and create a good food culture in her.

Aaaand to get back in shape after giving birth!

If you too are ready for a change, you can order a meal plan through the website or message me on the Facebook page – I will contact you as soon as possible so we will start your journey together!

The process

Increase your productivity in life